Stone Gardens Farm Market Digital Transformation

Led a comprehensive digital transformation for Stone Gardens Farm Market, involving website design, Google Ads, and ongoing Website Maintenance. The goal was to modernize their online presence, attract customers, and ensure a seamless user experience.


Led a comprehensive digital transformation for Stone Gardens Farm Market, involving website design, Google Ads, and ongoing Website Maintenance. The goal was to modernize their online presence, attract customers, and ensure a seamless user experience.


  • Redesigned the website for a contemporary look, enhanced user experience, and mobile responsiveness.

  • Executed targeted Google Ads to optimize online visibility and drive engagement.

  • Ensured website functionality and security through regular maintenance.


The integrated approach led to increased online visibility, improved user engagement, and a well-maintained digital platform for Stone Gardens Farm Market. The project effectively positioned the farm market to attract and serve customers in the digital landscape.

Ready to work with us?


D.E. Duffey